Sunday, April 15, 2007

An formal event is probably cancelled.

"Regular" is not what a humming bird would say if it had one word to say after living exile for 3 years. In oorder to make a transition to my next subject, I will have to murder a man, whicth would be ucalled for. But I have by accidently put someone's face through a table before, but at that time, I had just came home from a hypnotist show that i have no memory of. I'm not sure, but I think that at that show, I was forced to eat a phone book whole, without swallowing. I won't tell you why i have that phylosphy. There are many things that i wouldn't tell you about. For example, the time I circumsized a horse while being dragged by a train going 129 miles per hour. It was very messy. But that's regular. I'm usually dis-organized with everything i do, plus i had nver circumsized any thing before, but i do chop celery alot, whicth you would think would highten my instinct when it comes chopping things with a leafy like material at the end of it, but unfortunatly I never chopped celery as big a horse's genitalia. Have you ever seen one those things? Woah! Usually petting zoos are rated G. I geuss that's why Mr. Ed was usually behind a gate. In the days leading up to my 13th birthday last year, I found a pair of trousers hidden in my dresser. Turns out, they were'nt hidden, they were already mine. I was shocked. So i left my house without any pants on and people started whistling at me so i went inside.

Just so you know, I have no clue what I'm writing about. Usually, my blogs are more organized, but today I'm breaking the rules. I'm quite a rebel. That's why the ladies dig me. And here I am blogging while the women are waiting for me outside. I think that it's common for teenage men to avoid what some men would find intriging. I might have just spelled intriging wrong, but I don't care. You know why? Because I am totally secure in my masculinity. Yea, that has nothing to do with the subject, but is that slowing me down? NO. It of course has come to my attention that 8 men like stealing things from me. That's why I have chosen to become a swat police officer. Not much of a feat for me seeing many of the other things I have accomplished. I would have became Spiderman, but my friend that once while I was asleep, I uttered the words, "I'd rather be a Swat police officer than Spiderman," and everyone knows that me sleep talking never lies. But being a member of the Swat squad is extremly grueling and difficult, that's why I was fired yesterday. I was chasing a bunch of druggies around Toronto in the unit I'm in's van and i drove into a house. I kicked off the force never to step foot in the police station unless I'd like to be shot in the thigh.

Just so you all know, every thing I've said in this past blog has been untrue, including the part about me being masculine. Oh, I'm very feminime. So what if I enjoy wearing high heels and a long wig for the school play. It was my job. To conclude, I'd to tell you that this blog probably didn't make a word of sence. I'm sure you didn't need me to say that.

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